We present a master’s dissertation developed under the scope of the POWER Project, titled “Financial Literacy and Sustainable Investment: A Study of University Students and Working Individuals in Portugal”, authored by Érica Carlos and supervised by Maria João Guedes.

The study examines the relationship between Financial Literacy (FL) and engagement in Sustainable Investment (SI) among university students and professionals in Portugal, addressing a gap in understanding the factors driving SI involvement. The findings reveal that younger individuals exhibit higher levels of Sustainable Financial Literacy (SFL) and greater awareness of ESG factors compared to professionals. Exposure to SI-related information in academic or professional settings significantly enhances engagement with SI alternatives, aligning with previous research emphasizing the importance of sustainability knowledge in fostering responsible investment decisions.This study contributes to the development of sustainable finance policies by highlighting the role of financial education, accessibility to financial markets, and clear regulatory standards for sustainable financial products.

You can access this research work here.